
Archive for August 17th, 2022

QUESTION 9623: Do you see your possessions as tools to be used or treasures to keep? EmilKoval©2022

QUESTION 9624: Which is more important the interaction with people around you or the collection of material things? EmilKoval©2022

QUESTION 9625: Have you become aware that when you transition from this world, you can bring no material things with you? EmilKoval©2022

QUESTION 9626: Are you aware that the only thing you bring with you is the lightness or the heaviness of your spirituality? EmilKoval©2022

QUESTION 9627: Are your so-called treasure possessions there to impress other people as to how wonderful you are, or are they there to help you survive the pending climate changes which are devastating people all over the planet? EmilKoval©2022

Reflective Poem by Emil Koval #611

Anger Poisons The Soul

Patience Heals The Soul.

Solitude, Silence, Distancing

Great Personal Healing Tools.

No Attachment Possessions

In Cooperative Relationships

Sharing Learned Experiences

Togetherness With Spaces.

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QUESTION 9618: Are you being who you are, or are you being whom others want you to be? EmilKoval©2022

QUESTION9619: How authentic are you to you? Can you balance your public persona and see you then thank you as you walk just life’s path? EmilKoval©2022

QUESTION 9620: How much of your future has been placed by you into the enslavement of financiers? How deeply have you indebted your future? EmilKoval©2022

QUESTION 9621: What percentage of your earnings belong to finance companies and what percentage actually belongs to you? EmilKoval©2022

QUESTION 9622: Have you calculated how long it will take you to start working mainly for you and less for finance company? EmilKoval©2022

Reflective Poem by Emil Koval #610

Working With The Whole

Not Endangering My Soul.

Walking That Middle Path

Between My Social Groups

And My Individual Needs.

Walking The Razor’s Edge

Between Social Obligations

And Personal Growth Needs.

Ommmm Sai Ram Ommmm.

Koval’s Parables 116:
A groups people approached Milan very concerned about the chaotic events in today’s world. Milan told them about a man who left the corruption of the capital and decided to become a recluse. He built himself a ten-foot square dwelling. There he began to record his thoughts on that time. This became a Japanese classic containing much wisdom learned from the events that took place in the 12th century. It is also a reminder of what happens when you get too concerned about possessions and titles. Milan stated that the book that he was referring to is called The Ten Foot Square Hut, or the Hojoki. It was written in March of 1212, by Kamo no Chōmei, the work depicts the Buddhist concept of impermanence through the description of various disasters such as earthquake, famine, whirlwinds, and conflagrations. The people in the city of Heian-Kyo (today’s Kyoto) were so proud of their riches, statuses, and history. They look down on commoners, especially the farmers. Then one day, the city people came the countryside people offering their ‘riches’ for morsels of food. The earthly disasters put them in a state of famine. Those city dwellers humbly brought chunks of gold to buy whatever food they can from the farmers. The ‘real treasures’ of this time was the food for survival. Many of these Eliteists returned to their destroyed great city without any food. The farmers refused to trade worthless gold for true the then true treasures of food. So it is with all of life situations. Your personal possessions are just tools to be used to help you grow personally and spiritually and help others whenever necessary. They are not to be stock piled treasures to help you feel superior to others. Today, people have become greedier while forgetting their humane feelings. For example, the streets of New York are becoming untenable. Most people live in high-rise buildings. All they have is their treasures that make them feel better than others. However, when the street people and the homeless cut off their electricity and nobody can deliver food to their floors, where will their pride be when they have nothing to eat. They can only feast their eyes on their treasures. They may try to bargain for food with their treasure or they may be just robbed outright. That situation maybe playing out all over the world very soon. Milan reminded them that they should form their own survival groups and have strategies to work together. The only real problem is who can you trust in times of crises. Plan now for survival as a group. Milan also stated that as far he is concerned, they can take everything. Milan stated that he is prepared personally and spiritually to transition from this world. Milan saw them in deep contemplation. He bid them a good evening as he returned to focusing on the wonders of the Milky Way. Emilkoval©2022

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